Ibanez Electric Guitar

Ibanez Electric Guitar
this is special edition guitar in 2010. made by Gibson Les Paul

Friday 18 March 2011

Wazzup! what's new story here? well... semalam aku dengan member aku pergi main bowling. memang dah agak lama aku tak main bowling tapi member aku yang sorang ni tak pernah main bowling. so agak funny la disitu. hahahahaha. at the begining, everything is fine. tapi, bila dia dapat strike, fuh!!! punya la bangga diri. dapat spare pun excited giler mamat tu. boleh kata, bagai rusa masuk kampung. yeah! just like that I can say. hahahahah. pape hal pun, semalam memang best. very enjoy. Eventhough 3 orang jer, tapi enjoy giler.

well, eventhough kitorang asal dari tempat lain-lain, perangai lain-lain, tapi kitorang satu kepala. for my theese B.F.F, semoga hubungan kiter berkekalan. for my others friends, don't get jealous. hehehehehe. I guess, I stop here for today. maybe next time I will story kat you all story yang menarik. PEACE!!!

Thursday 17 March 2011

aku pon x sure sape owner lagu ni. tapi melodi dia mmg best. lagu ni dimainkan oleh roomate aku are~peace. kepada owner lagu ni, sorry coz ade tokok tambah sket dlm lagu ni. just untuk halwa telinga... PEACE!!

well, you all percaya tak yang aku ni animal lover? hehehehe. yup. memang aku suka binatang. kalau cakap pasal binatang pe yang paling aku suka, susah nak bagi answer coz banyak sangat binatang yang aku suka. binatang yang paling aku benci ialah, "Binatang ko...!!!" :-) binatang tu yang paling aku benci bila ianya di lemparkan kat aku. hehehehe. aku harap aku dapat ambik gambar dengan binatang banyak lagi yang pelik2 macam buaya putih, tapir, kancil. heheheheheheh

what is this? Ibanez limited edition 2010 baby. great design, beautiful graffic, nice logo, slim body and middle fret. well, aku pun tak sure bile dapat angkat gitar ni pasal menatang ni edisi terhad. maybe this is not the time. tak dapat pakai menatang ni pon, pakai Ashton (brand gitar aku sekarang) pun jadi la.. hehehehehe


What is hip-hop? I'm sure you all must know about this kind of music. honestly, this type of music is not my taste. you all must wonder why I'm saying that. Okay. we talk slowly. hip-hop or R&B makes me crazy. Why? don't ask me why. Let me tell you something. buy a ticket to see Jay-Z or Eminem shows. I'm sure they will broke the microphone. why? rap, baby. I'm sure when they rap some of liquid from they mouth must get through to the microphone. so, the mic will broke. hehehehehe. Okay. stop talking about that. lets talk about when they performed. I had bought a ticket to see Too Phat shows. what I got? a pay them to sing but they said, "everybody say heyyyy!!! everybody say hoooo!!!" and the people screaming like they ask. NO!!! i'm not like that stupid people. I pay, you sing. understand what I'm saying? hehehehe. well, I hope to fans of hip-hop music don't take serious. I'm just saying what I feel. anyway. I respect what of your music taste. Support our music industry...... PEACE!!!

Wednesday 16 March 2011

The Top music

Now we are in 2011. so many kind of musics we're hear. punk rock, pop rock, metal, heavy rock, sentimental rock, easy listening, ballads, grunge and so on. If some one ask me my favorite music, absolutely rock. especially metal rock like Metallica, Avenged Sevenfold and so on. but I realize metal music in our industry (Malaysia) is 'dying'. Metal music can't live in Malaysia. eventhough metal is my favorite music, I also play and hear punk music like Green Day. but thats not mean i'm punk boy. i just can say music is my life. In Malaysia, indie-band are hot now. we always hear their songs on radio. Hujan, Meet Uncle Hussein, Bunkface now are top independent band.

enough about rock. lets talk about hip-hop and R&B music. Do you think this type of music still alive in our music industry? my answer is yes. but, the popularity of this kind music are not like other musics. What's your answer if someone ask you where is Too Phat? or why Ruffedge gone? or why Cat Farish leave Ruffedge and being solo? or what about V.E? or why KRU Group are not makes R&B music like before? do you have the answer for that? well, i'm still looking for the answers.

Anyway, nevermind what kind of music you hear or you play. but, I'm sure the type of our music can makes us smile. Support our music industry. Peace!!! ;-)